











With the rise of Creative Industries in recent years, many places in Europe have seen the rebirth of high added-value crafts and semi-industrial activities. Mostly led by young entrepreneurs or already established businesses and ‘makers’ inspired by ‘new blood’, these new or renewed businesses tend to establish themselves in old (many times abandoned) industrial areas in the city centres or in their outskirts, and create an undeniable impact, contributing to economic value creation, job creation, in particular youth employment , urban, social and economic revitalisation of degraded city areas.

The EU project Craftsmanship+ aims to promote new and creative businesses in traditional crafts and semi-industrial business areas, anchored on high added-value production techniques, by offering an innovative learning solution for younger adults entering the labour market as well as existing craftsmen. The Craftsmanship+ ICT based Training Course on Innovation and Competitiveness in the Crafts and Semi-Industrial Activities is based on online learning for the development of competences in high added-value production techniques, entrepreneurship and innovation. The Course consists of three independent Modules: PRODUCTION - ENTERPRISE & MARKET - CREATIVITY & PRODUCT INNOVATION. The modular structure allows trainees to opt for the modules they need to develop the necessary competences to create or renew their businesses.


In this module, specific training is provided on selected crafts or semi-industrial processes to convey the knowledge, give an idea and develop the basic technical skills a beginner will need to start their own production activity. The training comprises a set of 10 different crafts and semi-industrial activities, popular across Europe. visit

enterprise & market

In this module, specific training is provided on business development, marketing strategies and business promotion, particularly in the context of crafts and semi-industrial businesses. visit

Creativity & product innovation

In this module, specific training is provided on innovation management, creativity processes and product development aiming at promoting better products with strong added value, particularly in the context of crafts and semi-industrial businesses. visit


The Craftsmanship+ community hosts members active in the crafts or semi-industrial sectors as well as individuals interested in developing related activity. In the community, you can find and share queries, interested readings and further information, aiming to create an open pan-European creative network. Join the community for free!

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